Resend an Email that Failed to Go Out

If you learn that an outgoing email failed to reach its intended recipient, you can resent the email. But first, be sure the issue that caused the failure has been fixed. Then take the following steps to resend the email.

  1. Go to VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance and open the record of the voter whose email failed to go out of the county system.

  2. Click the Comms tab and find the outgoing email entry for the email that failed by looking in the Type column for an entry that begins with Email:.

  3. Double-click the email entry to open the Resend an Email dialog.

  4. The Send Error message describes the issue preventing transmission of the email. If you have not already done so, confirm that this issue has been addressed. You might have to check with your IT department or the person who sent the emails, depending on the nature of the problem.

  5. If you know that the recipient's email address was invalid and you've been given a new email address to try, enter the new address in the To: field. (Entering a new address here doesn't update the email address in the voter's or election worker's record—that is, the email address that was originally used.)

  6. Click Resend. The system adds a new outgoing-email entry on the Comms tab, regardless of whether the resend was successful.

  7. Close the Resend an Email dialog and, on the Comms tab, find the new outgoing email entry. Double-click to open it and check the Date Sent field to determine if the resend was successful.

A resend could take up to 20 minutes, depending on the last time the EmailSender program ran (it runs every five minutes) and the number of emails in the outgoing queue. If after 20 minutes, your email hasn't been sent, verify that VRScheduler is running and that VR Dashboard is not reporting issues with EmailSender.